

ul. Studencka 18
40-743 Katowice, Polska

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Ogólne informacje

Orkon 2017 odbywa się w Łutowcu (obozowisko znajduje się pod adresem Łutowiec 9. 42-320 Niegowa), w dniach 15-29 lipca.

Orkon odbywa się co roku w lipcu w Jurze Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej od 1991, a liczba uczestników w ostatnich latach sięga około 350 osób.
Orkon trwa zwykle 14 dni, z czego trzy dni to Gra Główna -- duży LARP osadzony w autorskim świecie fantasy. Podczas pozostałych dni odbywają się krótsze LARPy. Świat Gry Głównej, zwany światem orkonowym, powstał specjalnie na użytek konwentu. Kolejne edycje Orkonu kontynuują historię tego fikcyjnego świata.

English please :)

Orkon – Poland’s oldest LARP convention. An event spanning two weeks, during which you get the chance to play in over a dozen LARP’s in a multitude of worlds: ranging from ones created by our fellow Orkon-goers through to ones known by gamers worldwide. Realities often span the entire spectrum of imagination: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic Worlds, or Modern – with some LARP’s classed as comedy, high-fantasy, dark, horror, and of course low-fantasy.

Orkon’s tradition brings us back to the early nineties, when a number of friends decided to transform a single day LARP to a three-day event. The event was still orthodox in its ways – with teams working together to solve puzzles and achieve certain goals, supported by a group of Non-Player-Characters and field Game Masters (Called ‘Spirits’). Over many years it evolved into one of the largest Polish LARP events, with its own purpose-built and dedicated world in which games still take place today. A world where every player can create his or her own identity and be included in the plot that is built by a group of organizers throughout the year preceding the game itself. Player characters directly influence the history of the Orkon-world, with most major events and world-shaping episodes sparked by actions done by players during the game itself (creation of kingdoms, demon invasions, great wars, broken alliances, or the Armageddon itself – which reshaped the entire world millennia ago). Often, the smallest action by a player can have a ripple effect and change everything without intention. The current state of the world has few mages and little technology, with knights being very few and far between. Most people live in a state of perpetual fear from war or creatures in the forests that surround them, while still trying to retain a good life.

On average, Orkon attracts about three hundred participants. It has created a new quality for LARP events in Poland – being both large scale and individualized. Should they want to, several hundred game participants can each have a personalized story and plot-hold in the game. Orkon, as Poland’s first LARP event, introduced safe weapons to LARPs, as well as moved from the ‘team’ approach to individual gaming. And all this remained in the hands of the gamers, passed on year on year since 1991 – and still going strong!

(txt Emilia i Konrad)

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